Available This Week: Time-Saving Mail Art Printables |
Right now, I've got a four-month-old and an almost-four-year-old. Needless to say, things are busy around here! Even though I don't have a ton of time, making mail art is one of my favorite ways to spend some me-time and decompress. I write little notes to my nieces, send short thank you/birthday cards to friends, that sort of thing. And I always enclose my correspondence in an artistic envelope. |
I used this mermaid envelope -- part of a fairytale trio -- to send a letter to my little nieces. (Find tips for writing letters to children here!) |
It seems to me that correspondence is a little gift -- something tangible that arrives as a pleasant surprise. I like to make that surprise special! That's why I've been leaning on printable mail art templates a lot lately. They pack that visual punch without demanding a lot of time. |
Just write the recipient's address in this fiddle leaf fig's pot, and you've got instant gorgeous mail art. You can find the envelope template in this bundle. |
There are always free printable mail art templates available on the site. This week, as a special treat, I'm offering premium themed bundles! All of those bundles are available for a nominal fee, and they include several templates that you can print as many times as your heart desires. |
TPK's printable mail art templates will be available through next Tuesday, July 5th. |
As I conducted research for the latest TPK article, How to Make a Beautiful Handwritten Note, I was surprised to find that entire companies exist around writing handwritten notes. Businesses like this one use "handwriting robots" -- machines that hold and write with pens -- to generate notes for marketing purposes. |
This new sales tactic underlines the fact that people love to receive handwritten notes. There's something about knowing that someone took time and energy out of their day to send you a greeting. Remember that there are several people in your life that will appreciate a thank you note, a birthday greeting, or words of encouragement (see: More Love Letters). And, yes, if you're a business, you just may catch a prospective client's eye. |
The Letter Writer's Complete Resource (LWCR) is my secret for staying on top of birthdays and keeping addresses current. I have to admit that as the mother to two young children, I only have the time to write a couple of long letters per year. (And, gosh, are those writing sessions relaxing. "Me time" is such a wonderful thing.) As I create those letters, I use the Letter Writing Prompts and Questions to Ask sections in the LWCR to make the most of my time! |
Remember: snail mail doesn't require an all-or-nothing commitment. It's realistic to have the bulk of your communication take place digitally. But, when you have a moment to breathe, sending tangible correspondence pays off. For example, an old university friend, who I mostly keep in touch with on Whatsapp, recently sent me this (filled out) printable. It was out of the blue -- and, of course, it's not Women's History Month -- but it made my day in a way that a digital message never could. That's the power of snail mail! |
A Quick Beginner's Watercolor Online Course Update |
Get excited! TPK's Ultimate Beginner's Watercolor Online Course is coming within the next two weeks. The course is astonishingly thorough and challenging in all the right ways! We start with the basics: supplies, blending/mixing, and shapes. Then, we move on to making illustrations that will reinforce your watercolor knowledge and grow your skills. |
This is a screenshot from the upcoming Beginner's Watercolor Course. |
At this point, I'm just waiting on some tote bags to complete the beginner watercolor supplies bundle (which includes brushes, paints, watercolor paper, etc.). I've also got three lesson quizzes to finish. If the tote bags arrive as planned, you can look for the new course on July 11th! Save the date and keep an eye on your inbox. 🎨 |
That's it for today! Thanks so much for reading, and keep snail mail in mind for next time you have a second to get creative. (Perhaps make a couple of cards for your loved ones with July birthdays? That's what I'm doing this week!) |