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Pen Rolls are Back 🎉 + A Survey

In this newsletter, I've got a fabulous fabric-focused announcement: more pen rolls are available! I'd also like to ask for your input about what the next TPK learning resource should be. We'll finish up with a conversation about starting a calligraphy business!

Black Protea Pen Roll
TPK's fabulous pen rolls never hang around the Supplies Shop for long! Last time I had some, they sold out within 24 hours. This is the "Black Protea" roll.

Pen Rolls are Back

Every few months, I receive a shipment of pen rolls from my friend Bron, a talented seamstress who lives in Australia. Bron puts her creative eye and her precision to use, and she always meticulously matches the TPK aesthetic! This shipment, we both agreed, is her prettiest yet.

This floral pattern features bold colors with pretty pink ribbons to tie everything together.
This is the "Blue Eucalyptus" pen roll. I love its dramatic color scheme!

Bron made two different pen rolls this time, and she sent over her biggest batch yet: 25 of each, 50 total. We're hoping that these larger quantity will help them to stay in the Supplies Shop for a little longer than usual!


Survey: What Do You Want to Learn Next?

As we settle into autumn, I'd like to work on developing a cool new learning resource. I'm equally excited about three different directions I could go, though! As a result, I'd love to get some input from you via a survey. Here are the three projects I'm considering:

A. Cocktail Casual Premium Calligraphy Worksheet

Cocktail Casual Calligraphy Envelope

I released a limited-edition Cocktail Casual Calligraphy Worksheet a couple of months ago (which is no longer available). It proved to be a popular calligraphy style, which led me to wonder if I should make a worksheet with lots of detailed instructions and guided practice, like TPK's permanent calligraphy worksheets.

B. Beginner's Watercolor Online Course

Top 10 TPK Watercolor Tutorials | The Postman's Knock | The Postman's Knock

Painting with Watercolors for Beginners is one of TPK's most popular articles. The fact that so many people have read and benefited from the information in that post makes me think that an online watercolor course could be cool!

C. Pen and Ink Drawing Online Course

The Beginner's Guide to Crosshatching

You can use your dip pen and ink for so much more than calligraphy! I thought it might be cool to create a course that walks you through how to make detail-filled crosshatched illustrations. You can get a taste for crosshatching in The Beginner's Guide to Crosshatching.

Okay! Those are the options, and I'd love to get your feedback. If you have additional suggestions, please feel free to email me (just respond directly to this newsletter).


Talking Business with Karla Lim

Last week, Karla Lim of Written Word Calligraphy and I got together to chat about the business end of calligraphy. Namely: how do you get started selling your calligraphy services? What should you charge clients? How do you get potential customers to notice you? If these topics interest you, I encourage you to watch our chat! (My biggest takeaway? Portfolio kits are a great idea.)


I want to thank you so much in advance if you're able to take the time to vote in today's survey! (If not, I get it! I've got a toddler tugging on my hand as I write this, so I understand being pressed for time.) Having your input will help me to move forward in a direction that I hope you'll like. Have a wonderful week, and thanks for reading the TPK newsletter!


Lindsey Bugbee's Signature | The Postman's Knock

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